One morning, while on my recent trip to the ocean, I woke before sunrise and walked to the beach. A quiet place, the beach, at that early hour, I savored those moments of solitude…just me, my ipod in hand, walking along, searching for shells, in anticipation of the rising sun.
I soon came upon a man who was floating along in the cold Atlantic current. At first, I barely noticed him, his presence was so calm and quiet, as if one with the waves. And since one of my favorite things to do is to simply watch people as they move within their own space, I silently sat at the place where the softness of sand meets the smoothness from receding waves. Me, a meditative, quiet form, sitting patiently, breathing slow, listening to my music, just watching him float and roll with the water flow.
It was some time before he noticed me there, but when he did, I perceived a brief moment of self consciousness wash over him. He casually looked around to see if it might be someone else I was intently gazing at…something else within my path of vision. Resigned, he now left the passiveness of floating and began to swim…beautiful long arm strokes, kicking legs slicing the surf spray. He dove headfirst through oncoming waves…stood, shook his head, ran his fingers through his hair, spun around and around. He was clearly enjoying being watched, being noticed. And I smiled because I was joyfully watching him, happy to give him this moment in the early morning sunshine spotlight.
And it occurred to me, isn’t this what we all want? To be noticed in a gentle, non obtrusive way ~ To be appreciated for the good we inherently possess and have to offer ~ To not be judged by others for decisions we make and paths we choose ~ To be allowed the freedom to just be, in stillness or movement, however we wish within our own spaces?
We all move about so quickly in the daily chaos that is our lives. Take a moment to breathe deep, notice, appreciate and share the beautiful, unusual, unexpected gifts that are all around you. They are there…just open your eyes and