women entrepreneurs

Q&A with Shell...

I was interviewed by the fabulous CylCollective women's group that I joined early this year for a quick Q&A over on their blog. Click the picture above to read my words that were shared with my CYL squad. 

Love this group! The women inspire me everyday with their creativity and their voices. Most are considerably younger than me, but I find their confidence and openness  to be so inspiring. They are strong, empathetic, kind, helpful and giving... women helping women...Woman, at her best. 

For all of the women creatives who are following me on this journey, I invite you to join this group and see for yourself how finding a tribe can push you further, within and out of your own comfort zones. Member enrollment opens up again next month so follow @cylcollective on Instagram and keep eyes open for the new membership dates...feel free to mention that I sent you! I'll be posting about membership again as it gets closer. 

Have questions? I am happy to share my own experiences so far with you... just ask. 

Time to Shop!

The Handmade Pop-Up is LIVE! 

the handmade pop up
shell rummel fine art
shell rummel fine art
Shell Rummel fine art

This year, one of my personal goals was to be more active within the different communities of artists that I follow. I tend to be quite comfortable in my cocoon of quiet but I recognize the value that comes with feeling a part of something bigger. There is energy in community, and particularly when it comes to artists, that energy is inspiring. So this spring, I leapt out towards the edge and applied to be a vendor at the Handmade Pop-up,  an Online sale which features fine artwork and hand crafted goods (ceramics, jewelry, fiber arts...) from 200+ artists, artisans, designers and creatives all around the globe.  

I am offering 5 watercolor and Ink paintings;  2 figurative illustrations which have been part of my personal portfolio and are quite special to me, 1 abstract land/sea scape which is unique because it's a little different than my usual palette... and 2 brand new paintings that I created specifically in honor of this event.  My pricing is reflective of the spirit of a Pop-Up shop... I really wanted my work to be attainable to those who would like to add it to their private collections.  I'm thrilled to be a part of this community and grateful for the support of women entrepreneurs that support and encourage each others creative selves to flourish.  

The Pop-Up went live today, so visit www.thehandmadepopup.com and see what catches your eye...If not my art, then surely the work of others will inspire:)  Please share this post along to your friends and family. Follow me on Instagram and Facebook as I'll share some of my favorites there, as well. Thank you, for shopping small and "local" and for supporting women owned businesses and the arts!  ~ Shell